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Polish Pottery Pizza!

Dan Danner |

The Best Pizza Crust Ever is made on Polish Pottery!!!

Vee Ann is another one of our favorite customers. We received this mouthwatering picture of pizza on her favorite Polish pottery signature pattern, “Sunshine Grotto.” Vee Ann and her husband enjoy making pizza once a week, and they were thrilled with the way their crust baked in their new Polish Pottery Pizza Plate!  These two are very health conscious, and love to be able to prepare a homemade pizza with healthy ingredients.

Because Polish Pottery is lead and cadmium free, there are not uneven hot spots, so your crust will bake to a perfectly even light brown. The pottery has an almost magical ability to retain the moisture in food, while giving you the crisp crunch in your crust.  We have many assorted patterns available at our retail store, The Polish Pottery Outlet, in the Denver Metro Area or you can order online here on our website. Feel free to give us a call with any questions at 303.789.0100