Alex and Elizabeth's Pottery Registry

Wedding Registry

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Registrant Co-Registrant Created Event Date
Elizabeth Hedenberg Alex Willard March 15, 2024 September 28, 2024

Registrant: Elizabeth Hedenberg

Co-Registrant: Alex Willard

Created: March 15, 2024

Event Date: September 28, 2024

Line Title Image Price Wants Has Needs Cart
1 Pie Plate with Handles (Soaring Swallows) | Z148S-WK57
$99.19 1 1 0
2 Rolling Pin (Soaring Swallows) | W012S-WK57
$87.99 1 0 1
3 Medium Belly Mug (Soaring Swallows) | K090S-WK57
$36.79 2 0 2
4 Muffin Pan (Soaring Swallows) | F093S-WK57
$169.59 1 0 1
5 Large Oval Baker (Soaring Swallows) | P102S-WK57
$119.99 1 1 0